DALL-E2 + Substance Tutorial

Watch the tutorial here!

Base Photo

Base Photo

Base image progression to Tilable

Base image progression to Tilable

DALL-E2 Screenshot

DALL-E2 Screenshot

Gigapixel AI Screenshot

Gigapixel AI Screenshot

Sampler Screenshot

Sampler Screenshot

Designer Screenshot

Designer Screenshot

Marmoset Screenshot

Marmoset Screenshot

I created a video run-through of my process to create the Materials from my Travel post. Didn't have a lot of time so this was in pretty much one take, so please forgive the quality!
This goes from Photo image - Photoshop -DALL-E2 - Gigapixel AI - Sampler - Designer - Marmoset - Final Image in about 50 minutes.
Could have spent a lot more time on fixing this up / doing more manual edits and it would have improved the quality, but I really wanted to show the raw process and keep the video length down :)

June 21, 2022