Ancient Stone Wall - EXP Tutorial

**NOTE: With the share site down, some of the nodes I use must be found elsewhere, here is where to find:
- Dilate/Erosion node: Can now be found on Adobe Substance 3D Community Assets, or there are a couple of paid versions around.
- IE Curve Tools: You can now use the native Substance Designer Splines from the latest version in place of these.
- Bitmap Grunges: These are actually available to grab as SBSAR inside your Substance Painter files! Found roughly here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter\resources\starter_assets\procedurals\Grunges Bitmap

I had the opportunity to create a tutorial for Experience Points! Thanks to Kem and the EXP team. I hope you find it useful! Check it out here:
You can grab my custom nodes on my store page!

June 5, 2021